Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology

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Selected Publications

Weckbach LT, Grabmaier U, Uhl A, Gess S, Boehm F, Zehrer A, Pick R, Salvermoser M, Czermak T, Pircher J, Sorrelle N, Migliorini M, Strickland DK, Klingel K, Brinkmann V, Abu Abed U, Eriksson U, Massberg S, Brunner S, Walzog B (2019) Midkine drives cardiac inflammation by promoting neutrophil trafficking and NETosis in myocarditis. J Exp Med 216: 350-368

Salvermoser M, Begandt D, Alon R, Walzog B (2018) Nuclear Deformation During Neutrophil Migration at Sites of Inflammation. Front Immunol 9: 2680

Stocker TJ, Pircher J, Skenderi A, Ehrlich A, Eberle C, Megens RTA, Petzold T, Zhang Z, Walzog B, Muller-Taubenberger A, Weber C, Massberg S, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Schulz C (2018) The Actin Regulator Coronin-1A Modulates Platelet Shape Change and Consolidates Arterial Thrombosis. Thromb Haemost 118: 2098-2111

Zehrer A, Pick R, Salvermoser M, Boda A, Miller M, Stark K, Weckbach LT, Walzog B, Begandt D (2018) A Fundamental Role of Myh9 for Neutrophil Migration in Innate Immunity. J Immunol 201: 1748-1764

Thome S, Begandt D, Pick R, Salvermoser M, Walzog B (2018) Intracellular beta2 integrin (CD11/CD18) interacting partners in neutrophil trafficking. Eur J Clin Invest 48 Suppl 2: e12966

Goncalves-de-Albuquerque CF, Rohwedder I, Silva AR, Ferreira AS, Kurz ARM, Cougoule C, Klapproth S, Eggersmann T, Silva JD, de Oliveira GP, Capelozzi VL, Schlesinger GG, Costa ER, Estrela Marins RCE, Mocsai A, Maridonneau-Parini I, Walzog B, Macedo Rocco PR, Sperandio M, de Castro-Faria-Neto HC (2018) The Yin and Yang of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition During Experimental Polymicrobial Sepsis. Front Immunol 9: 901

Pircher J, Czermak T, Ehrlich A, Eberle C, Gaitzsch E, Margraf A, Grommes J, Saha P, Titova A, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Stark K, Petzold T, Stocker T, Weckbach LT, Novotny J, Sperandio M, Nieswandt B, Smith A, Mannell H, Walzog B et al. (2018) Cathelicidins prime platelets to mediate arterial thrombosis and tissue inflammation. Nat Commun 9: 1523

Rami M, Guillamat-Prats R, Rinne P, Salvermoser M, Ring L, Bianchini M, Blanchet X, Megens RTA, Doring Y, Walzog B, Soehnlein O, Weber C, Faussner A, Steffens S (2018) Chronic Intake of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine Enhances Atherosclerosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 38: 1007-1019

Salvermoser M, Pick R, Weckbach LT, Zehrer A, Lohr P, Drechsler M, Sperandio M, Soehnlein O, Walzog B (2018) Myosin 1f is specifically required for neutrophil migration in 3D environments during acute inflammation. Blood 131: 1887-1898

Souza-Almeida G, D'Avila H, Almeida PE, Luna-Gomes T, Liechocki S, Walzog B, Hepper I, Castro-Faria-Neto HC, Bozza PT, Bandeira-Melo C, Maya-Monteiro CM (2018) Leptin Mediates In Vivo Neutrophil Migration: Involvement of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and CXCL1. Front Immunol 9: 111

Lautz T, Lasch M, Borgolte J, Troidl K, Pagel JI, Caballero-Martinez A, Kleinert EC, Walzog B, Deindl E (2018) Midkine Controls Arteriogenesis by Regulating the Bioavailability of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A and the Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 and 3. EBioMedicine 27: 237-246

Begandt D, Thome S, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2017) How neutrophils resist shear stress at blood vessel walls: molecular mechanisms, subcellular structures, and cell-cell interactions. J Leukoc Biol 102: 699-709

Pick R, Begandt D, Stocker TJ, Salvermoser M, Thome S, Bottcher RT, Montanez E, Harrison U, Forne I, Khandoga AG, Coletti R, Weckbach LT, Brechtefeld D, Haas R, Imhof A, Massberg S, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2017) Coronin 1A, a novel player in integrin biology, controls neutrophil trafficking in innate immunity. Blood 130: 847-858

Roth H, Samereier M, Begandt D, Pick R, Salvermoser M, Brechtefeld D, Schleicher M, Walzog B, Muller-Taubenberger A (2017) Filamin A promotes efficient migration and phagocytosis of neutrophil-like HL-60 cells. Eur J Cell Biol 96: 553-566

Samereier M, Schleicher M, Roth H, Brechtefeld D, Walzog B, Muller-Taubenberger A (2017) EB1 contributes to proper front-to-back polarity in neutrophil-like HL-60 cells. Eur J Cell Biol 96: 143-153

Kurz AR, Pruenster M, Rohwedder I, Ramadass M, Schafer K, Harrison U, Gouveia G, Nussbaum C, Immler R, Wiessner JR, Margraf A, Lim DS, Walzog B, Dietzel S, Moser M, Klein C, Vestweber D, Haas R, Catz SD, Sperandio M (2016) MST1-dependent vesicle trafficking regulates neutrophil transmigration through the vascular basement membrane. J Clin Invest 126: 4125-4139

Abdel Malik R, Zippel N, Fromel T, Heidler J, Zukunft S, Walzog B, Ansari N, Pampaloni F, Wingert S, Rieger MA, Wittig I, Fisslthaler B, Fleming I (2017) AMP-Activated Protein Kinase alpha2 in Neutrophils Regulates Vascular Repair via Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1alpha and a Network of Proteins Affecting Metabolism and Apoptosis. Circ Res 120: 99-109

Ortega-Gomez A, Salvermoser M, Rossaint J, Pick R, Brauner J, Lemnitzer P, Tilgner J, de Jong RJ, Megens RT, Jamasbi J, Doring Y, Pham CT, Scheiermann C, Siess W, Drechsler M, Weber C, Grommes J, Zarbock A, Walzog B, Soehnlein O (2016) Cathepsin G Controls Arterial But Not Venular Myeloid Cell Recruitment. Circulation 134: 1176-1188

Chillo O, Kleinert EC, Lautz T, Lasch M, Pagel JI, Heun Y, Troidl K, Fischer S, Caballero-Martinez A, Mauer A, Kurz ARM, Assmann G, Rehberg M, Kanse SM, Nieswandt B, Walzog B, Reichel CA, Mannell H, Preissner KT, Deindl E (2016) Perivascular Mast Cells Govern Shear Stress-Induced Arteriogenesis by Orchestrating Leukocyte Function. Cell Rep 16: 2197-2207

van Eeuwijk JM, Stegner D, Lamb DJ, Kraft P, Beck S, Thielmann I, Kiefer F, Walzog B, Stoll G, Nieswandt B (2016) The Novel Oral Syk Inhibitor, Bl1002494, Protects Mice From Arterial Thrombosis and Thromboinflammatory Brain Infarction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 36: 1247-53

Mocsai A, Walzog B, Lowell CA (2015) Intracellular signalling during neutrophil recruitment. Cardiovasc Res 107: 373-85

Lorenz V, Stegner D, Stritt S, Vögtle T, Kiefer F, Witke W, Schymeinsky J, Watson SP, Walzog B, Nieswandt B (2015) Targeted downregulation of platelet CLEC-2 occurs through Syk-independent internalization. Blood 125: 4069-77

Weckbach LT, Gola A, Winkelmann M, Jakob SM, Groesser L, Borgolte J, Pogoda F, Pick R, Pruenster M, Muller-Hocker J, Deindl E, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2014) The cytokine midkine supports neutrophil trafficking during acute inflammation by promoting adhesion via beta2 integrins (CD11/CD18). Blood 123: 1887-96

Jakob SM, Pick R, Brechtefeld D, Nussbaum C, Kiefer F, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2013) Hematopoietic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1) is required for LFA-1-mediated neutrophil recruitment during the acute inflammatory response. Blood 121: 4184-94

Pick R, Brechtefeld D, Walzog B (2013) Intraluminal crawling versus interstitial neutrophil migration during inflammation. Mol Immunol 55: 70-5

Stark K, Eckart A, Haidari S, Tirniceriu A, Lorenz M, von Bruhl ML, Gartner F, Khandoga AG, Legate KR, Pless R, Hepper I, Lauber K, Walzog B, Massberg S (2013) Capillary and arteriolar pericytes attract innate leukocytes exiting through venules and 'instruct' them with pattern-recognition and motility programs. Nat Immunol 14: 41-51

Weckbach LT, Groesser L, Borgolte J, Pagel JI, Pogoda F, Schymeinsky J, Muller-Hocker J, Shakibaei M, Muramatsu T, Deindl E, Walzog B (2012) Midkine acts as proangiogenic cytokine in hypoxia-induced angiogenesis. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 303: H429-38

Hepper I, Schymeinsky J, Weckbach LT, Jakob SM, Frommhold D, Sixt M, Laschinger M, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2012) The mammalian actin-binding protein 1 is critical for spreading and intraluminal crawling of neutrophils under flow conditions. J Immunol 188: 4590-601

Futosi K, Nemeth T, Pick R, Vantus T, Walzog B, Mocsai A (2012) Dasatinib inhibits proinflammatory functions of mature human neutrophils. Blood 119: 4981-91

Weckbach LT, Muramatsu T, Walzog B (2011) Midkine in inflammation. ScientificWorldJournal 11: 2491-505

Schymeinsky J, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2011) The mammalian actin-binding protein 1 (mAbp1): a novel molecular player in leukocyte biology. Trends Cell Biol 21: 247-55

Nemeth T, Futosi K, Hably C, Brouns MR, Jakob SM, Kovacs M, Kertesz Z, Walzog B, Settleman J, Mocsai A (2010) Neutrophil functions and autoimmune arthritis in the absence of p190RhoGAP: generation and analysis of a novel null mutation in mice. J Immunol 185: 3064-75

Frommhold D, Kamphues A, Hepper I, Pruenster M, Lukic IK, Socher I, Zablotskaya V, Buschmann K, Lange-Sperandio B, Schymeinsky J, Ryschich E, Poeschl J, Kupatt C, Nawroth PP, Moser M, Walzog B, Bierhaus A, Sperandio M (2010) RAGE and ICAM-1 cooperate in mediating leukocyte recruitment during acute inflammation in vivo. Blood 116: 841-9

Schymeinsky J, Gerstl R, Mannigel I, Niedung K, Frommhold D, Panthel K, Heesemann J, Sixt M, Quast T, Kolanus W, Mocsai A, Wienands J, Sperandio M, Walzog B (2009) A fundamental role of mAbp1 in neutrophils: impact on beta(2) integrin-mediated phagocytosis and adhesion in vivo. Blood 114: 4209-20

Sindrilaru A, Peters T, Schymeinsky J, Oreshkova T, Wang H, Gompf A, Mannella F, Wlaschek M, Sunderkotter C, Rudolph KL, Walzog B, Bustelo XR, Fischer KD, Scharffetter-Kochanek K (2009) Wound healing defect of Vav3-/- mice due to impaired {beta}2-integrin-dependent macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils. Blood 113: 5266-76

Frommhold D, Mannigel I, Schymeinsky J, Mocsai A, Poeschl J, Walzog B, Sperandio M (2007) Spleen tyrosine kinase Syk is critical for sustained leukocyte adhesion during inflammation in vivo. BMC Immunol 8: 31

Schymeinsky J, Then C, Sindrilaru A, Gerstl R, Jakus Z, Tybulewicz VL, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Walzog B (2007) Syk-mediated translocation of PI3Kdelta to the leading edge controls lamellipodium formation and migration of leukocytes. PLoS One 2: e1132

Mannell H, Hellwig N, Gloe T, Plank C, Sohn HY, Groesser L, Walzog B, Pohl U, Krotz F (2008) Inhibition of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 suppresses angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. J Vasc Res 45: 153-63

Schymeinsky J, Mócsai A, Walzog B (2007) Neutrophil activation via beta2 integrins (CD11/CD18): molecular mechanisms and clinical implications. Thromb Haemost 98: 262-73

Schymeinsky J, Sindrilaru A, Frommhold D, Sperandio M, Gerstl R, Then C, Mocsai A, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Walzog B (2006) The Vav binding site of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk at Tyr 348 is critical for beta2 integrin (CD11/CD18)-mediated neutrophil migration. Blood 108: 3919-27

Schruefer R, Sulyok S, Schymeinsky J, Peters T, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Walzog B (2006) The proangiogenic capacity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils delineated by microarray technique and by measurement of neovascularization in wounded skin of CD18-deficient mice. J Vasc Res 43: 1-11

Peters T, Sindrilaru A, Hinz B, Hinrichs R, Menke A, Al-Azzeh EA, Holzwarth K, Oreshkova T, Wang H, Kess D, Walzog B, Sulyok S, Sunderkotter C, Friedrich W, Wlaschek M, Krieg T, Scharffetter-Kochanek K (2005) Wound-healing defect of CD18(-/-) mice due to a decrease in TGF-beta1 and myofibroblast differentiation. EMBO J 24: 3400-10

Schymeinsky J, Then C, Walzog B (2005) The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk regulates lamellipodium formation and site-directed migration of human leukocytes. J Cell Physiol 204: 614-22

Schruefer R, Lutze N, Schymeinsky J, Walzog B (2005) Human neutrophils promote angiogenesis by a paracrine feedforward mechanism involving endothelial interleukin-8. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 288: H1186-92

Goepel F, Weinmann P, Schymeinsky J, Walzog B (2004) Identification of caspase-10 in human neutrophils and its role in spontaneous apoptosis. J Leukoc Biol 75: 836-43

Garlichs CD, Eskafi S, Cicha I, Schmeisser A, Walzog B, Raaz D, Stumpf C, Yilmaz A, Bremer J, Ludwig J, Daniel WG (2004) Delay of neutrophil apoptosis in acute coronary syndromes. J Leukoc Biol 75: 828-35

Willeke T, Schymeinsky J, Prange P, Zahler S, Walzog B (2003) A role for Syk-kinase in the control of the binding cycle of the beta2 integrins (CD11/CD18) in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils. J Leukoc Biol 74: 260-9

Weinmann P, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Forlow SB, Peters T, Walzog B (2003) A role for apoptosis in the control of neutrophil homeostasis in the circulation: insights from CD18-deficient mice. Blood 101: 739-46

Walzog B, Gaehtgens P (2000) Adhesion Molecules: The Path to a New Understanding of Acute Inflammation. News Physiol Sci 15: 107-113

Willeke T, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Gaehtgens P, Walzog B (2001) A role for beta2 integrin (CD11/CD18)-mediated tyrosine signaling in extravasation of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Biorheology 38: 89-100

Graulich J, Walzog B, Marcinkowski M, Bauer K, Kössel H, Fuhrmann G, Bührer C, Gaehtgens P, Versmold HT (2000) Leukocyte and endothelial activation in a laboratory model of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Pediatr Res 48: 679-84

Willeke T, Behrens S, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Gaehtgens P, Walzog B (2000) Beta2 integrin (CD11/CD18)-mediated signaling involves tyrosine phosphorylation of c-Cbl in human neutrophils. J Leukoc Biol 68: 284-92

Walzog B, Weinmann P, Jeblonski F, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Bommert K, Gaehtgens P (1999) A role for beta(2) integrins (CD11/CD18) in the regulation of cytokine gene expression of polymorphonuclear neutrophils during the inflammatory response. FASEB J 13: 1855-65

Walzog B, Scharffetter-Kochanek K, Gaehtgens P (1999) Impairment of neutrophil emigration in CD18-null mice. Am J Physiol 276: G1125-30

Weinmann P, Gaehtgens P, Walzog B (1999) Bcl-Xl- and Bax-alpha-mediated regulation of apoptosis of human neutrophils via caspase-3. Blood 93: 3106-15

Walzog B, Jeblonski F, Zakrzewicz A, Gaehtgens P (1997) Beta2 integrins (CD11/CD18) promote apoptosis of human neutrophils. FASEB J 11: 1177-86

Zakrzewicz A, Gräfe M, Terbeek D, Bongrazio M, Auch-Schwelk W, Walzog B, Graf K, Fleck E, Ley K, Gaehtgens P (1997) L-selectin-dependent leukocyte adhesion to microvascular but not to macrovascular endothelial cells of the human coronary system. Blood 89: 3228-35

Klugewitz K, Ley K, Schuppan D, Nuck R, Gaehtgens P, Walzog B (1997) Activation of the beta2 integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) by an endogenous lipid mediator of human neutrophils and HL-60 cells. J Cell Sci 110 ( Pt 8): 985-90

Campos-Barros A, Meinhold H, Walzog B, Behne D (1997) Effects of selenium and iodine deficiency on thyroid hormone concentrations in the central nervous system of the rat. Eur J Endocrinol 136: 316-23

Brenner B, Gulbins E, Schlottmann K, Koppenhoefer U, Busch GL, Walzog B, Steinhausen M, Coggeshall KM, Linderkamp O, Lang F (1996) L-selectin activates the Ras pathway via the tyrosine kinase p56lck. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93: 15376-81

Walzog B, Offermanns S, Zakrzewicz A, Gaehtgens P, Ley K (1996) Beta2 integrins mediate protein tyrosine phosphorylation in human neutrophils. J Leukoc Biol 59: 747-53

Walzog B, Schuppan D, Heimpel C, Hafezi-Moghadam A, Gaehtgens P, Ley K (1995) The leukocyte integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) contributes to binding of human granulocytes to collagen. Exp Cell Res 218: 28-38

Walzog B, Seifert R, Zakrzewicz A, Gaehtgens P, Ley K (1994) Cross-linking of CD18 in human neutrophils induces an increase of intracellular free Ca2+, exocytosis of azurophilic granules, quantitative up-regulation of CD18, shedding of L-selectin, and actin polymerization. J Leukoc Biol 56: 625-35

Meinhold H, Campos-Barros A, Walzog B, Köhler R, Müller F, Behne D (1993) Effects of selenium and iodine deficiency on type I, type II and type III iodothyronine deiodinases and circulating thyroid hormones in the rat. Exp Clin Endocrinol 101: 87-93

Behne D, Kyriakopoulos A, Gessner H, Walzog B, Meinhold H (1992) Type I iodothyronine deiodinase activity after high selenium intake, and relations between selenium and iodine metabolism in rats. J Nutr 122: 1542-6

Nigam S, Muller S, Walzog B (1992) Effect of staurosporine on fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated human neutrophils: dissociated release of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, diacylglycerol and intracellular calcium. Biochim Biophys Acta 1135: 301-8