Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology

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Deindl Group

The development and remodeling of vessels is a crucial process in many physiological and pathophysiological processes making it topic of in-depth research in laboratories all around the world. Vascular occlusive diseases are head of death causing aliments in industrialized countries. Growth of collateral arteries (arteriogenesis) bypassing a site of stenosis is the most relevant naturally occurring adaptive process protecting tissue from ischemic injury and death. The main research interest of the group around E. Deindl is the identification of the molecular pathways of arteriogenesis from increased mechanical load – the trigger of collateral growth - to cell proliferation. In detail, we are studying how physical forces are translated into biological signals, how these signals are propagated within a cell, finally resulting in cell proliferation, as well as how signals are transmitted from cell to cell (i.e. from endothelial cells to smooth muscle cells)

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Deindl Group 2024